Fixed an issue that would cause the world to regenerate after the console had its language changed.Fixed a crash that would occur when combining certain clothing items on the workbench and equipping them.Fixed an issue that allowed the player to shrink a torch in an active toolbelt slot.Fixed an issue that would occasionally prevent all but the first letter of long words from being displayed on wooden signs.Fixed an issue that caused the underwater effects to disappear when viewed through a Sniper Rifle scope.Fixed an issue that would cause weather effects to impact hosts and clients with different severities.Fixed an issue that was causing distant terrain to render using different shaders than in previous patches.Fixed an issue that occasionally caused items being repaired to have their level dropped to 1.Fixed an issue that would cause terrain to deform after a zombie would decay on top of it.Fixed an issue that caused a destroyed bedroll’s indicator to persist after rejoining the game session.Fixed an issue that allowed medical items to be used on certain inanimate objects (like minibikes).Fixed an issue that cause interactive objects to be interacted with when an object on top of them was picked up.

Fixed an issue that would cause the quest to find a trader to require a specific trader to be found now it will pick the nearest trader and update the target when the player moves closer to another.Fixed an issue that would prevent a smelted material from being usable, even when it was available in the Forge.
Patch 13 is just around the corner and you know what that means! A long-but by no means exhaustive-list of the fixes and improvements we’ve got in store for you! Check it out below: I do NOT have further info on future features, updates on MD5, Multiplayer issues and other fixes not mentioned in the notes, when I have those updates they will get their own post. This post is for the discussion of this patch ONLY. keep posts CIVIL and RESPECTFUL when discussing or giving feedback about the patch. They belong in the CONSOLE BUG REPORT section. You should NOT need to start a new save unless otherwise stated by the team. NOTES only apply to the fix DIRECTLY ABOVE them, unless otherwise stated Passing on the Patch 13 notes from the team as the Patch is now in Submission with Sony and MS