Here is the default of the level-name setting level-name=world Default server.properties file created by Minecraft Java Edition #Minecraft server properties #(last boot timestamp) spawn-protection = 16 max-tick-time = 60000 query.port = 25565 generator-settings = sync-chunk-writes = true force-gamemode = false allow-nether = true enforce-whitelist = false gamemode = survival broadcast-console-to-ops = true enable-query = false player-idle-timeout = 0 text-filtering-config = difficulty = easy broadcast-rcon-to-ops = true spawn-monsters = true op-permission-level = 4 pvp = true entity-broadcast-range-percentage = 100 snooper-enabled = true level-type = default enable-status = true resource-pack-prompt = hardcore = false enable-command-block = false network-compression-threshold = 256 max-players = 20 max-world-size = 29999984 resource-pack-sha1 = function-permission-level = 2 rcon.port = 25575 server-port = 25565 server-ip = spawn-npcs = true require-resource-pack = false allow-flight = false level-name = world view-distance = 10 resource-pack = spawn-animals = true white-list = false rcon. Arguably the most popular type of Minecraft servers - Also often called SMP (Survival Multi Player), these Minecraft servers stay true to many aspects of the original games survival single player mode - you can lose health & die by receiving fall damage, being attacked (by players & mobs) or drowning. Characters such as ' (apostrophe) may need to be escaped by adding a backslash before them. Comments (Image credit: Mojang) Jump to: Best Servers Modded Servers Survival Servers. The player may also copy their saved game folder here, and change the name to the same as that folder's to load it instead. Our pick of the best Minecraft servers around including survival, RPG, skyblock, PvP, and more. The "level-name" value is used as the world name and its folder name. Using a saved Minecraft world on your Java Edition server The name of the server can be anything you want, then type the IP address or simply copy. Here is the default value of the difficulty setting difficulty=easy Available Minecraft difficulty settings Easy to join and top MC servers run by best plays in the world. If a legacy difficulty number is specified, it is silently converted to a difficulty name.

It affects damage dealt by mobs and the way hunger and poison affects players.

This setting defines the difficulty of the server. blog 147+ BEST Discord Server Names Aesthetic, Cool, Funny OctoTag Vault In this article, we cover everything to do with finding the best Discord server names. ago My suggestion: make it as open-ended as possible - that way if you want to change the 'theme' or nature of the server at some point you wont be locked into a name that doesnt match. There are many properties you may change when running a dedicated Minecraft Java Edition server.